Work From Home Help

Don’t Ignore Scams. Report Scams!


The best way to stop scammers is to report scams as soon as you encounter them.

If you have experienced a work from home scam, or if you have been solicited by a scammer, please file a complaint. Remember that sharing your experiences will help others.

Where to Report Scams

Report Scams to the Federal Trade Commission

One of the purposes of the FTC is to protect consumers from deceptive and unfair business practices. Submit a complaint to the FTC with the FTC Complaint Assistant.

Reports Scams to Your Attorney General

All states and territories in the United States have an attorney general. Many offices of the attorneys general have a consumer protection division. Find contact information for your attorney general here.

Report Scams to Your State Consumer Protection Office

Find your local consumer protection office here.

Report Scams to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service

The United States Postal Service wants to know if scammers are defrauding people using the mail.  File a mail fraud complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.

Report Scams to the Better Business Bureau

Many people rely on the Better Business Bureau for company reviews and to file disputes.  The BBB does not have enforcement power, but filing a complaint with them is still helpful.  File a complaint with the BBB here.

Report Scams to the Internet Crime Complaint Center

IC3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Learn more about IC3, and file a complaint here.

Report Scams to State Licensing Boards (if applicable)

Some industries, like insurance sales, require that companies have state licensing.  Contact the appropriate licensing boards if a potential employer does not meet the requirement.  You can also contact one or more of the other agencies listed.

Have you come across any scams recently?  Please share your experience in comments.

The best way to stop scammers is to report scams as soon as you encounter them. If you have experienced a scam, or if you've been solicited by a scammer, please file a complaint. Remember that sharing your experiences will help others.

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