

If you really want to work from home, this site is all you need.

Welcome to Real Home Jobs Now (formerly Home Is Where The Jobs Are)! If you are a workfromhomer or a future workfromhomer, then you’re in the right place. This site is your guide to finding legitimate work from home jobs and opportunities that are worth your time and won’t scam you out of your money.

Here’s what you’ll get with Real Home Jobs Now:

  • A detailed directory of legitimate, researched work from home jobs, companies, and opportunities.
  • Insider reviews of jobs you’ve been wondering about to help you decide what’s right for you.
  • Tips and tricks to help you land the job you want.
  • Fresh, regularly updated job leads.
  • Advice and guidance to make work from home work for you.

Why Real Home Jobs Now?

What most people have in common when they are looking to work from home is that they don’t really know where to start.

Are you dreaming of cutting your commute from stressful bumper-to-bumper traffic to rolling out of bed and walking to your computer?

Are you looking for alternative ways to earn money?

Are you a caregiver, and you need to stay at home to care for a loved one, but you still need to work?

I’ve heard all these scenarios and many more.

Whatever your situation may be, working outside a traditional office can seem difficult to navigate.  But all that stands between you and making money in your pj’s is what you will learn to overcome right here on this site!

Potential workfromhomers usually fall into one of two groups: the cynics and the believers.

The cynics think that legitimate work from home simply does not exist, or that there are no “real” jobs. Scams and misinformation have caused them to just give up and deem anything labeled “work from home” a waste of time.

So they keep searching for that “real” job in an office building somewhere, not knowing that there’s already an army of people earning money from the comfort of their homes.

The believers are fairly certain that the opportunities are out there, but they have no idea where to start and they don’t know who or what to trust.

With Real Home Jobs Now, I want to put the fears and misconceptions about work from home to rest. I provide real, useful information and advice based on direct experience and ongoing research to help you get to the scam-free good stuff.

About Me

I’m Cam, founder of RealHomeJobsNow.com, and I love spreading the word about working from home and helping people learn about the many options.

So how do I know so much about working from home?

In 2008 I found myself out of a stressful, but enjoyable project management position without a new job on the horizon. And I didn’t really want just another traditional office job. I knew there had to be another way.

I started working as an independent sales agent, and though it was a home-based business opportunity, it still wasn’t for me.

As if on cue, one day I was watching the news and caught a segment featuring a few companies that were hiring people to work from home. I immediately went online to check it out for myself, and then found this article from The Wall Street Journal. I couldn’t believe how opportune it was.

I was hooked! And I’ve been hooked ever since. Shortly thereafter, I started working for one of the featured companies.

  • I have worked for several companies as a work from home independent contractor.  Through these experiences, I’ve gained more knowledge about organizations that consistently hire workfromhomers.
  • I’m always researching legitimate jobs and opportunities. I’ve been researching ever since that day back in 2008 (that’s A LOT of hours).
  • I am passionate about helping people work from home because I know that it can be life changing.
  • I’ve tried (and still try) many things so that I can coach other people and give useful advice.

I want to help you find an opportunity that you will love!

If you have questions about working from home, feel free to contact me.

I’ll help you learn what you need to know to confidently move forward in the world of work from home, and find what’s best suited for you.

Thank you for visiting!


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