Call Center Work From Home Jobs

Aira Work From Home Helping Visually Impaired Customers


If you want to work remotely and make a difference, Aira may the perfect company for you! Aira defines itself as a visual interpreter for the blind, and they are currently hiring work from home agents to provide this unique service.

Aira Overview

Aira is super passionate about their mission so it’s best to understand what the company does and their goals so you can ensure you’re a good fit before applying.

Aira is a company that assists people who are blind or low vision. Clients are connected to Aira agents through their app or a pair of smart glasses.

Agents serve as the voice to Aira users. The agents’ goal is to make every day easier and better for their customers – whether it is through learning, job seeking, working, parenting or just living. By simply touching a button, clients are connected to an Aira agent whenever they need it 24/7.

Aira is seeking to improve some statistics for people who are low vision or blind. For instance, only 40% of low vision or blind students finish college, and 70% of the blind community is unemployed. Aira and their agents are working to change those numbers.

What Does An Aira Agent Do?

Aira agents work with customers throughout the day to assist them with a variety of tasks. Customers use the app or their smart glasses to communicate with agents and request assistance.

Customers share their location details with their smartphone, and their smart glasses serve as a camera so agents can view their surroundings.

From there, the remote agent provides assistance whether the customer needs help becoming aware of their surroundings in order to perform a daily task, wants to book a rideshare, or even job seeking.

As an example, one agent helps a mom read a book to her child each night. The Agent takes a snapshot of the pages using Aira’s glasses tool and reads to the mom so she can then read it to her child.

What You Need To Be An Aira Agent

Aira is very selective when choosing agents to join the team. To do the job, you need a personal computer (Mac or PC) to work on. You must be at least 18 years old to apply and a college degree is strongly preferred but not required.

You also need:
• A minimum of 2 years of customer service experience
• A quiet place to work from that’s free of distractions
• Internet service with a minimum speed of 25 MBPS

Aira is also looking for people who are enthusiastic and well-spoken, can multitask well while remaining focused and calm, and can work through complicated tasks that may present technical difficulties.

The company will only hire applicants who live in the United States.


You can set your own hours as an Aira agent. You may choose to work full-time or part-time, or even less than 10 hours per week.

Since Aira offers customers a 24/7 service, you can also schedule 3rd shift hours.

As an Aira agent, you can work from home helping visually impaired customers navigate the world! Enjoy flexible scheduling (Aira is available 24/7) and making a difference in clients lives.


Aira agents are hired as independent contractors, not employees.

Agents are paid twice per month. Aira does not specifically state how much agents earn per hour, but several other sources claim they earn around $15 hourly.

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Before being officially hired, Aira agents go through a rigorous training process. The company has developed their own training and certification process to ensure agents are ready and able to help users with any task.

Agents must complete training, an apprenticeship, and role-playing calls to ensure they know how to handle the tasks associated with the position before beginning the official work.

Apply To Be an Aira Agent

If you think you’d like to become an agent, we encourage you to start the application process. Just go to their website and click on the ‘Aira Agents’ tab. Then, click on the blue ‘Apply Now’ button to get started.

The application process has several phases. First, you’ll fill out a brief form on Aira’s website. Then, you will be invited to take an aptitude test.

If you pass that test, you’ll be invited to interview. After the interview, you’ll start the training process pending a background check. You can learn more about the agent position here.

Good luck!

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