Call Center Work From Home Jobs

Convergys Work From Home Call Center Jobs


The Convergys work from home program offers call center jobs with employee status, a full benefits package, paid training, and other perks.

Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, Convergys is a global company offering customer service management solutions. The company regularly hires Customer Service, Sales and Service, and Technical Support Representatives for their virtual call center jobs.

Convergys employs over 125,000 people in 31 countries, including home based call center agents.

You can get started as a Convergys work at home agent without paying for anything upfront, not even a background check.

Convergys Work From Home

To work at home with Convergys, you must be a resident of one of the following states:

Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

General technical requirements include:

  • PC that meets specifications (including a manufacture date less than six years old)
  • Thumb drive
  • Headset
  • High speed internet
  • Telephone with a mute button
  • Surge protector

Convergys has very specific technical requirements.

You will be required to test your computer as part of the application process, so apply from the computer that you will use for work and make sure that your systems meet all specifications.

As with many virtal call center jobs, Macs are not supported, but there might also be some PC brands that Convergys does not support.

A landline is not required for live calls. You need to have a landline or cell phone for training, meetings, and technical support purposes only. You will take live calls over your internet connection via VOIP.

Related – Phone Jobs With No Landline Needed 

You must submit to background and drug testing, but you do not pay for the tests or any other upfront costs.

Interested in a home-based call center job? Convergys work from home jobs let you to work as an employee with benefits, hourly pay, and full-time schedules.


You’ll work an assigned schedule. You may have the choice of full-time or part-time with a day, evening, or overnight shift.


You’ll receive hourly pay, and some positions qualify for incentives. Convergys does not publish pay, but from what I can gather you should expect to start between $9 and $10 per hour, including paid training.

Technical support representatives may earn more.

How to Apply

I suggest that you review all requirements and FAQs, and apply directly from the job posting that corresponds with your state.

In addition to meeting computer requirements you must also pass assessments before Convergys will extend a job offer.

Do you have a Convergys work from home review?  Please share in comments.

If you’ve already applied as a Convergys home agent and you have concerns that aren’t answered in Convergys’s requirements and FAQs, contact Convergys directly.  Try this email address – If that doesn’t work, I suggest reaching out to them via the general contact form on their site, or sending them a message via social media.


Updated: August 14, 2018


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  • Hi there, I currently test my computer as required for the convergys application process. The only reason i did not pass is due to “system fail” signal. Any suggestions on how fix this error? Thank you

  • i did the test and i see that u do not support my HP 19-2113w. I just got this and i cant understand why u dont support it

    • Hi Tishenna. Do you know why your ISP is not acceptable? Have you applied for other home-based jobs and had a problem with your ISP?

      • No this is my first time applying for a wprk at home job . i don’t know why it’s not accepted and its kinda weird that is the reason i failed.. I tried to talk to someone from convergys but they don’t answer the phone nor email back took me 17 days just to get a email to test my computer and than fail it. :/

  • I applied at Convergys for home based work and I did the PC Test my computer passed everything except for the CPU Process Name and the CPU Clock speed… Will I not get a job because of that? How do I know if they reviewed my test or not?

  • Hi! I’m doing my test now and this is the only thing that my pc didn’t pass “Your screen resolution could not be determined by this test” do you know what it means? The website says it needs a minimum of 1024 x 768 and I have much more resolution than that. Any ideas? Thanks!

    • Hi Gissia. If your resolution is greater than required, try sending Convergys an email with a screenshot of your resolution and ask them to review your results. Go to this page and scroll to the bottom to the Contact section for an email address. Hope this helps!

  • I recently applies and had my PC tested and the only reason it did not pass was because the computer brand was ACER and it stated that it is not supported. What computer brands are supported by CONVERGYS?

    • Hi LaToya, thanks for stopping by! At the time that I published this post, Convergys did not support the following:
      Apple Mac & Macbooks — all models
      eMachine EL1352 and EL1352G
      Acer Aspire Z3101
      Acer Aspire X3400G
      Hewlett-Packard 120-1126
      Acer Aspire XC-603G
      HP 19-2113w
      HP 19-2013w
      Lenovo H500s 10157
      Toshiba Satellite C55-B
      If you have questions about your brand/model, send them an email just to be sure since they might have changed some requirements.

      • i just did the test and my computer brand spankin’ new computer the model didn’t pass its a Make / Model Acer Aspire ES1-711 can you please help me with this? I don’t understand why you don’t support Acer?

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