Work From Home Help

Tips For Creating Boundaries In Your Home Office


Do you have a friend or family member who thinks that since you work from home it’s not actually work?  Is your home office less “office” and more “home” because your family is in there as much as you are?

Creating boundaries for your work time and space doesn’t have to be difficult, but it’s a necessary part of working from home. Here are a few tips to help you define your home office boundaries.

5 Tips To Establish Home Office Boundaries

1. Set office hours

Tell your family and friends what your work hours are and set expectations about your boundaries during that time.  If your breaks are on a set schedule, let them know those times too and invite them to interact with you then.

2. Define your space

Define your work space within the home, and ask your family to consider it off limits during work hours. If you have a separate room with a door, close it and use a “work in progress” or “do not disturb” sign during work hours.

RelatedOffice Requirements

Here are some tips for creating boundaries in your home office.

3. Create alternatives when necessary

If you cannot designate a separate room as your dedicated work space, creating virtual borders is easy if you are clear about your expectations.

Remind your family that your work space is not available during work hours. If you have small children that may be tempted to wander into your space, create a “wall” by placing a visual reminder.

4. Manage expectations

When friends don’t quite understand that you don’t have time for visiting during working hours, explain to them that though your work happens at home, it’s still work and must be respected as such.

Then turn the tables – ask how management would react if you stopped by their workplace for a visit and a chat during working hours.

5. Develop a plan

Life happens whether you are at work or not, so if your family absolutely needs your attention during work hours develop a plan for them to communicate with you without disrupting.

This could be as simple as sending a text message or setting up a family instant message account. This kind of arrangement is even more important if your job requires consistent phone time.

Do you have any other tips for setting boundaries for your home office? Share in comments.


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