Extra Money Mystery Shopping

Legitimate Mystery Shopping Companies For Extra Cash


Most legitimate mystery shopping companies require you to travel to stores, restaurants, and other businesses to act as a typical customer and report your experiences. Those that will let you “shop” strictly by telephone or online are noted.

To be an effective shopper, you must be detailed, organized, and in most cases, ready to provide a complete written report of your experiences at the business that you shop.

Legitimate Mystery Shopping Companies

RelatedLearn more about mystery shopping.

Legitimate mystery shopping companies to help you make extra cash!

A Closer Look

Mystery shoppers must pass a shopper qualifying test and write a narrative about a recent dining experience as part of the application process. A Closer Look services the restaurant, retail, hotel, and health/wellness industries.

About Face 

Provides assignments in all 50 states and Canada.

Ann Michaels & Associates 

Shopping across several industries.

Amusement Advantage 

Evaluate attractions, amusement locations and entertainment facilities. Amusement Advantage accepts shopper applicants in every state (except Nevada) and Canada.


Bestmark has been providing mystery shopping services for over 30 years.  You can work as a mystery shopper or exit interviewer all across the United States and Canada.


Mystery shops are available in every US state, Canada, Mexico and South America.

Harland Clarke 

Provides mystery shopping services primarily to financial institutions.


Hires shoppers with a focus on the automotive, financial, hospitality, retail, and technology industries.

Market Force 

Choose general mystery shopping, shop movie theaters, or do both.

Second To None

Be a mystery shopper working in retail, food and beverage, healthcare, and other indudstries.


Trendsource contracts with shoppers as field agents or certified onsite inspectors across the United States. and Canada.


Mystery Shop by Phone and/or Online


Telephone mystery shopping.


Hires shoppers for on-site, website, and phone mystery shopping.

Yardi Matrix 

Telephone mystery shopping. Yardi Matrix (formerly Pierce-Eislen) regularly conducts seasonal rent surveys and hires shoppers to call apartment complexes and ask various questions.

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