Work From Home Help

How to Handle Work From Home Naysayers and Negativity


Even as companies are hiring more and more home based employees, there’s no shortage of work from home naysayers.

These are the people who believe that a commute and a cubicle are the only way to work, and you’re crazy for thinking otherwise.

Not everyone will believe that it’s possible to legitimately and exclusively work from home. But don’t let their doubts keep you from moving forward.

Here are five tips to help you overcome work from home naysayers.

1. Get over your own naysaying and negativity.Some people believe that a commute and a cubicle are the only way to work. Here are five tips to deal with naysayers and negativity about your goal to work from home.

If you are still unsure about the possibility of finding legitimate work from home jobs, you will easily succumb to outside influences.

But I am going to assume that since you’re here, you are ready and willing to get started, so moving on…

2. Realize that “work from home” is a general description.

When people say that work from home is a scam or “be careful with work from home” what exactly are they talking about?

“Work from home” is made up of hundreds of companies offering thousands of positions. It’s not exactly something that you can apply a blanket statement to.

Of course there are scams surrounding home based positions, but there are two primary reasons for that: 1) scammers know that many people desperately want to work from home. And as a result 2) many people will jump headfirst into “opportunities” without taking the time to research and end up losing money to the scammers.

So when someone tells you that work from home is a scam, your response can be (if you care to respond)

“There are many companies that offer the benefit of working from home. What specific company or job opportunity are you talking about?”

3. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions.

YOU want to work from home, so your thoughts and opinions based in research are all that should really matter.

And consider the source of any negativity. Has that person ever had a legitimate work from home job? If not there’s not much else to talk about.

If so, what company did they work for? What was their job? Your experience will likely be completely different depending on several factors.

One way you might respond to a negative opinion is

“I am researching all the possibilities so that I can make an informed decision for myself.”

4. Join a community.

The best way to combat the negative effects of a naysayer is to align yourself with like-minded people. Consistently surrounding yourself with others who want to or already work from home will help you maintain the mindset you need.

So join a forum, join a Facebook group, connect with classmates from a job training class.

Keep yourself motivated and help motivate others.

5. Share

Most people on the negativity bandwagon are simply just not aware of all the possibilities.  Educate them about all the great home based jobs and careers that are out there.  You might turn a naysayer into a workfromhomer!

Of course some naysayers will still nay no matter what you do or say 🙂 . Don’t make it your mission to convince them.

The best thing you can do is find your own legitimate work from home job (or jobs). You can grow our community by helping people who see the possibilities and really want to work from home.

Do you know any work from home naysayers? How do you deal with them?

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