Travel Work From Home Jobs

Work From Home Travel Agent Jobs


As a work from home travel agent you will provide the same services as in-office agents. You will help your clients research, plan, and book trips and vacations. Many companies require previous experience, but there are opportunities where no experience is necessary.

If you’re interested in travel-related customer service or reservation sales jobs, be sure to take a look at the Call Center directory.  Some of the companies listed here also offer home-based positions in travel other than travel agent.

If you enjoy helping others coordinate fabulous trips and vacations, becoming a work from home travel agent or travel sales consultant is within your reach!

Work From Home Travel Agent Companies

American Express

American Express hires full-time work from home travel agents, primarily as Specialized Corporate Travel Counselors servicing travel needs for business clients. Candidates for the travel counselor position must have five years experience booking international travel and GDS proficiency, with corporate travel experience and Amadeus knowledge preferred.

American Express has a dedicated work from home/telecommuting program called Axcess@Home so use it as a keyword to facilitate your search. Also use the word “virtual” for searching.

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Carlson Wagonlit is a travel management company specializing in business travel. Hires Travel Counselors with a minimum of two years experience with Sabre and Apollo knowledge preferred. Carlson Wagonlit makes it easy to find at-home positions with the Work From Home drop down box in the location search area on the Job Search page.

Prior cruise industry experience is required for all positions. hires home-based Cruise Sales Agents, Customer Service Specialists, and Online Support Agents.


FROSCH hires virtual travel agents for both corporate and leisure travel.  For all positions, agents must have recent GDS experience on Sabre and/or Apollo along with other qualifications.

World Travel Holdings

World Travel Holdings is a leisure travel company with a portfolio of travel brands. Hires at-home Travel Professionals as well as customer care positions.  No experience necessary; World Travel Holdings provides a 6-week work from home travel agent training program.

Working Solutions

Working Solutions is a well-known business process outsourcing company with clients across several industries. Hires work from home travel agents with recent GDS and corporate bookings experience. Independent contractor opportunity.

BCD Travel

BCD Travel specializes in business travel management.  They hire virtual travel agents as Corporate Travel Consultants, Registration Coordinators, and other positions.  Most positions require GDS experience.

Are you a work from home travel agent?  Please share your experience in comments!

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  • Hi
    I work as a technical manager in a job I don’t enjoy. All I want to do is sell holidays. To be honest I need the security of this job at the moment but I just want to find out of there is a way I could follow my dream part time, grow from there and then finally leave this hob that I am in. Any help will be hugely appreciated
    Kind Regards

    • Hi, and thanks for visiting. To start part-time, Working Solutions would be a great option since you can work part-time and set your own schedule. You will need to check their site periodically to see when they have travel-related positions available. Another option is to find a host agency that will give you the foundation you need; here is an excellent site to get you started.

  • Would I be able to become a work from home agent with no previous travel agent experience (just a lot of experience planning and booking holidays for myself and family members) based in Australia?

    • Hi, Julie. Many companies require specific experience, but there are opportunities at entry level. Try World Travel Holdings and American Express.

  • Hi im Neshane,
    Ive been working with a mining industry for almost 10 years and was made redundant last week due to our company been going. thru some financial problems and employees been redundant for cost wise. Im interested to work at home with any of the companies listed.

  • hi my name is Vuyani, i have a Galileo certificate and i would like to work as a travel agent at American express, im staying in Johannesburg South Africa

    • Hi Vuyani! You can search by location at the American Express careers site. Hopefully, you will find an opening available in South Africa. You can also try this post.

  • Hi im a stay at home mum and im interested in this i have no experience but would live to give it a go. Thanks marietta

    • Hi, Marietta! The travel industry gives you the opportunity to work as an employee, or start your own business as an independent agent. I plan to expand on these options, so please check back periodically for more information. Thanks for stopping by!

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